2023 Advances in Rhinoplasty: Invitation from the AAFPRS as a speaker(American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)in San Diego, California, USA.

15 years of Attending One of the most respected Rhinoplasty and Facial Rejuvenation meetings

Dear Dr. Shandilya,

Happy New Year! On behalf of Course Chairs José E. Barrera, MD, M. Sean Freeman, MD, Lisa D. Grunebaum, MD, Steven J. Pearlman, MD, and Benjamin A. Talei, MD, I am honored to invite you to speak at the 2023 AAFPRS Advances in Rhinoplasty & Facial Rejuvenation Meeting.

This event convenes the best and brightest surgeons from the Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Aesthetic Medicine, and Rhinoplasty specialties, to share their knowledge and experience with colleagues from around the globe. As a respected leader in your field, we know you’ll make an excellent addition to the faculty; we hope you’ll be able to join us!

Ada Phillips

Lessons from the recent Rhinoplasty Olympics : AAFPRS “Advances in Rhinoplasty” Orlando, FL.

After an amazing four days of listening to and sharing experience with the other accomplished Rhinoplasty surgeons … it was a time to reflect on my own practice and comparing it with others whose work I have liked and imbibed from.

Munish Shandilya : The only speaker invited from Ireland.

What is our Rhinoplasty practice about.

  1. Patient Satisfaction is our prime target.
  2. Safety before Perfection.
  3. Very High Reproducibility of results
  4. Unparalleled unlimited Complimentary Follow-up
  5. Conservative approach without compromising on outcomes
  6. Availability and Approachability
  7. No compromise on our principles and Ethos of patient safety.